Commercial Insurance
At Alliance Insurance we aim to protect your business property and your business from acts of negligence that can adversely affect your business.
We protect you from Commercial Auto risk exposures involving you, your employees and others to whom you may be legally liable because of something called “Vicarious Liability”.
Your business also needs to be protected against common perils like Fire, Lightning, Water losses, Theft and so on.
Additionally, you’ll also need protection against liability claims arising from customers who become injured on your premises or from customers who become injured on your premises or from products that you manufacture, sell or service. You’ll also need protection against liability claims that arise from the negligent acts of an employee who causes injury or property damage loss to another.
It does not stop there, Workers Compensation, Employment Practices Liability Insurance and Professional Liability are all important insurance needs that you need to be informed on.
We’ll work to see that all your Risk Exposures are uncovered and addressed and that you understand what you have and why to keep your business sound and secure.